Bringing a guest onto your podcast is a great way to offer value to your audience and you’re probably wondering how to actually do that. It’s actually a lot simpler than you may realize to record a remote podcast interview! There are a number of tools that will help you conduct a remote podcast interview, allowing you to focus on creating great content. One of the best tools is Squadcast.


If you ask for remote recording solutions in any podcast Facebook group the answers will overwhelmingly be Squadcast. They’ve made a name for themselves as the best solution because of the reliability of their platform and their stellar customer support.

Pros of Squadcast

  • No downloads. Unlike Zoom, Zencastr doesn’t require you or your guest to download any software. Everything happens in the browser and you just download the recorded audio after the interview.
  • Progressive upload. Squadcast owns a patent related to progressive uploading so Squadcast is constantly uploading the audio during the interview. You’ll never lose more than a few seconds of a recording if anything happens during the session.
  • Easy to use. Like many of these services, it’s as simple as sending a link to your guest. There’s nothing to download as everything takes place in the browser. Once the guest clicks the link, they are taken into the green room where you can have a pre-show chat and make sure everything is working correctly before you start the interview.
  • High-quality audio. Squadcast doesn’t degrade the audio like Zoom and doesn’t suffer from audio drift like Zencastr. They’ve recently partnered with Dolby for an even better experience.

Cons of Squadcast

  • Cost. Squadcast doesn’t have a free plan. The lowest tier starts at $10/month for 2 hours of recording.
  • No video recording. Squadcast has a video chat so you can see the person you’re talking to, however, they don’t record the video.
  • Subject to bandwidth issues. If you or your guest have poor internet speed then you may run into issues using Squadcast.
  • Audio-ducking issues. Audio distortion may occur if more than one person speaks at a time. Avoid saying ‘yeah’, ‘mmhmm’, and other small noises we tend to do in normal conversation. Not only will it help the recording, but it’s also good practice because that can be distracting to your audience and your guest.

If you are looking to record a remote podcast interview and need help getting started, don’t hesitate to schedule a free consultation call where I can help you get started on the right foot!

Do you want to make sure your guest is ready for the interview? Sign up for my newsletter and you will get my 6 Tips to Better Guest Podcasting that you can send to your guest before the interview to help them prepare.

Additional Reading

remote podcast interview

Using Zoom to Record a Remote Podcast Interview

Zoom is probably the most common tool to conduct a remote podcast interview. It’s a solid teleconference solution that can also be used in podcasting.

Podcast interviews using a double-ender

Double-Ender: The Best Solution to Record a Remote Podcast Interview

This is the best way to record a remote podcast interview. You’ll get the best possible audio quality and have complete control over everything. However, this method requires some technical ability from your guest. In this post I explain how to do it.

Podcast interviews using a double-ender

Using Zencastr to Record a Remote Podcast Interview

Zencastr was the first remote podcast recording solution I learned about that really solved the ease-of-use issues. Before, the main solution was using different software to record Skype calls. Zencastr made it possible to record remotely without a lot of hassle.

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